Tahir is a professional writer with a BS Tech degree and over a decade of experience, having started his writing journey in 2010. He specializes...Read more
The KPK Police is now welcoming applications from eligible candidates who would like to join KPK Police. If you are interested just you are the right place to stock about it. The applicants are advised to submit their applications before the appointed dates given by the authorities of KPK Police.
The KPK Police is inviting applications from the applicants who are interested in the following posts that are listed here with the c that can give you this job out at your place. KPK Police Jobs 2024 Eligibility Criteria Registration Form Date Processing Computer Operator.
- Age: 18-40
- Domicile: Chitral
The selection of the candidate will be done by the inter test that will be conducted in 2020. This selection will be purely on a merit basis.
- Driving constable:
- Age: 18-40
- Domicile: Chitral
The selection of the candidate will be done by the inter test that will be conducted in 2020.
KPK Police Jobs 2024 Eligibility Criteria Registration Form Date Processing Computer Operator
The test will be conducted by the ETEA the whole responsibility is given to the authorities of ETEA the test and accountability are done only on a merit basis. The candidates can get the applications online. The applications attached to all your documents have to be submitted before the test date.
The candidates who are interested must now submit the application with a deposit of 500 at the HBL Bank. The candidates can get their roll number slips from the authorities sooner at 2024
If candidates have any query or suggestion then tell us with the comment section and we suggested to candidates must visit our site regular basis because we will update daily basis latest job advertisement and latest admission.