An impressive Public Sector Organization is giving the impression of being for artistic, skilled, and experienced persons for rendezvous against the posts point out beneath. We proffer dazzling calling occasion and projection under an advantageous functioning atmosphere with gorgeous wages and trimming remuneration. Candidates having the following prerequisite and familiarity may submit an application online merely.
A Public Sector Organization encourages applications from Pakistani Nationals for the subsequent impermanent placement which are expected to be unrelenting for an imprecise epoch. The prerequisite, familiarity, age compulsory for these posts next to with stipulations and circumstances
No 3rd Division in the complete academic profession candidate is accepted. If at all possible first-class academic career, the however one-second division may be permissible excluding in ultimate degree/certificate. The upper age limit is 35 years. Preferred candidates can be prearranged somewhere in Pakistan.
Engineering Jobs 2024 For SPS-2-4-6 Written Test Form Answer Key Result
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Scientific Assistant-I (Chemistry) (SPS-4) B.Sc. (1 st Division) Nil familiarity. Tech-Ill (Electrical) (SPS-2) Matric with Science (1st Division) with 06 years of significant experience. Matric with Science with a 01-year technical course (technical/ drafting) with 05 years of relevant experience. Familiarity will only be conscientious if you get a grip of consequent to the minimum arranged qualification alongside the respective post.
Contender must have accomplished all educational certificates/diplomas/degrees from Govt. standard institutions. Candidates already working in Govt. Semi Govt. Organizations must endow with No Objection Certificate (NOC) from their employers at the instance of Test Interview. Merely the candidates who accomplish prearranged eligibility criteria may submit an application.
Candidature of those who do not accomplish the necessities and apply for any of exceeding arrangement may be canceled at any stage during the process of selection or subsequently and no claim whatsoever will be accepted during and after collection. No TA/DA will be permissible for appearing in test/interview.
For more updates, you can visit this website soon as we will get updates The answer key will be updated soon as it will be declared.