The people when getting the foreign degree will be given in the best account of fields all the way around. The people will get all the updates. The people will be given with all the information about their best career which will help them in each account. The people will get the updates here for you. The students who have completed their O.LEVEL education they must be given with the best end to their career. They can acquire best jobs and education as soon as they like to have. The updates will be give here fro you in each regard. This will bring for you each factor around. The people will get all the information about the O.Level career options here will be presented for you. The people will be given with best options about. This foreign equivalent degree will be given with the best career options. This will be given with best career ways which will lead you in the best option. The people must make themselves clear of the way to best study where they get the best career options in each regard of fact. The people will be found by each way. The jobs are given for you after the O.level which mark fro you in each regard and option. You can stay in touch with us for more updates and way which will help you in each way. You must stay connected with us.
Alternatives for A/Levels
Spending two and half years preparing for a university selection exam does not guarantee a career pathway for students. The competitive nature of the A/Level examination requires extra tutorial classes in addition to usual school hours. The time and money spent can be invested on alternative educational options leading to a future with more assurance.
- Local A/Levels
- London A/Levels
- Other short term programmes
- University admission
- Achieve more with University Degree after O/Ls
- Select a subject to continue your School education and do A/L
- Select Advanced Level classes
- Develop your soft skills
- Follow a professional course
- Follow higher education without doing A/L
- Find a job and continue higher education through Technical Colleges and Technical Universities
Choosing A Best Career After O-Level Foreign Education System to Studies or Jobs Free Counseling
The need for practical education
The number of examinations that your child attempts does not impact their future employment. Employers today expect a range of soft-skills which are not delivered by exam based education systems. Practical and hands on education systems can deliver job ready graduates. There are many universities that offer such practical and alternative pathways to A/Levels. Many forward thinking students and parents consider these university programs above A/Levels which deliver superior value.
Start Early to Achieve Real Success!
Students and parents are invited to meet our career counselors on higher education and job opportunities beyond O/Levels. Good university education leads to excellent career opportunities in leading local and international companies. You will be provided with relevant and up-to-date information about, career trends, hot jobs, scholarships, internships and university admission. Wide range of education options such as Business, IT/Computer Sciences, Medicine, Engineering, Psychology, Bio-Medical and Health Sciences will be discussed.
- Guest Services Executive (Pacific Club)
- Vehicle Admin
- Radiography Assistant
- Assistant Childcare teachers (English and Chinese)
- General Education Officer
- HR cum Admin Assistant
- Junior Beauty Advisors
- Admin Assistant
- Contract Admin Assistant / Technician
- Administration Assistant
Future Stance After O-Level:
After the accomplishment of the O-Levels students have various prospects where they can apply for their continual academic career. The two basic paths which are being followed generally in Pakistan are that either the student continue the British and international pattern by opting for Cambridge A-Levels which is the second stage after O-Levels, or the other option can be that the respective student follow the national academic structure by selecting inter which includes FSC, ICS, ICOM as per their field, interest and selected courses.
Benefits of O-Level:
- O-Levels provide the basic knowledge and the confident in a student at the initial level of their academic career.
- It improves the communication skills by imparting the knowledge in English language.
- It enhances the grip over the English language in the developing countries like Pakistan where there is a deficiency of such skills and calibers.
O-Levels are the part of Cambridge secondary 2nd stage and are one of the equivalents to the UK General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE). This is the international degree which is practiced in Pakistan by many schools and colleges. The students can study A-levels after the O-Level degree. This education pattern is the key to present the students of Pakistan in the international market and are being varied according to the different cultures of various countries.The candidates who want to do this degree must have the good command on the language of English. Like many countries the country Pakistan has O-levels is being carried out in 3 years while in abroad it is being conducted in 2 years only. The other details about the career options are mentioned here so you can stay connected for the updates.