Be aware that there is a charge for getting your papers remarked, although sometimes your school will pay for this, so ask them first before writing any cheques. it’s more important than a student knows how to effectively use the internet to answer a question than it is for a student to be able to recall the answer from memory.
You will be refunded the money if your grade changes, although it’s important to remember that your grades can go down as well as up. It’s worth considering talking to your teachers first, as they may feel the results are right and the marks are what you deserved to get.
BISE Larkana Board Matric 9th 10th Class Result 2024 SSC Part I, II Result 2024 Check Online
To check result
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How to check result
You can check result through entering your roll number in this field, you must remember your latest roll number. Without the correct roll number, you cannot be able to see your correct result.
Larkana city
Larkana or Larkano is the fourth largest city located in the Northwest of Sindh Province, Pakistan. It is located in Larkana District and is a thickly populated city that is growing rapidly. In August 2000, Larkana celebrated its hundredth year of existence.
Sindh government vision for education
“Government of Sindh stands committed to universalizing education, unfold strong policy actions for raising literacy to hundred percent and reform education in Sindh with the help of Democratic Government and elected representatives to secure gradual, but visible and sustainable improvement to access quality education easily”
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