In the Navy, promotions to the higher rank through competitive exams so here we will display the Navy promotion exams date sheet 2024. That means sailors compete against other sailors, within their same rating (job) for available promotion slots. In order to determine who gets promoted, the Navy, like the other services, Pakistan promotion points are available.
Basically, there are limited promotion vacancies within each higher Rank for each job of the Pakistan Navy Force. When determining who gets promoted, those with the most promotion points are the ones who get the stripes.
Written Examinations/tests for following posts will be held at Lahore, Rawalpindi, and Multan (simultaneously) as per detail given below: Details of Examination Centers and Roll Numbers have been uploaded on Punjab Public Service Commission on the
Pakistan Navy Promotion Exams Date Sheet 2024 Competitive Exams PPSC
All candidates are directed to note and download their Roll Numbers with respective Examination centers from this website. No individual Admission Letter/ Roll Number Slip would be issued/posted to any candidate. Candidates are requested to report at their respective examination centers one hour before the commencement of the papers.
Examinations are administered to most candidates worldwide on the same day. Examinations are given according to a set schedule at locations and times that are announced in advance.
The standard score is a reflection of how well you did compare to your peers taking the same test. The Navy first averages all the scores to get the “arithmetic mean,” and then average how far each score is from the mean. Your score is a direct reflection of any relative difference.